Environmental Assessment
Chillers Modifications
Department of Veterans Affairs
DFD #21H2D
The State of Wisconsin Department of Administration, Division of Facilities Development (DFD) has retained Cornerstone Environmental Group, a Tetra Tech company (Tetra Tech), on behalf of the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) to prepare an Environmental Assessment (EA) of the proposed Chillers Modifications at the Wisconsin Veterans Home located at N2665 County Rd QQ in King, WI. A sight location map is available for download below. The EA will be prepared in accordance with the Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act (WEPA) and Wisconsin Statutes 1.11. An initial component of this EA is the scoping process to identify at an early stage any potential impacts of the project on the physical, biological, social, and economic environments. Because you, your agency, or your group may have an interest in the project or are representing neighbors near the project vicinity, we are inviting you to participate in the scoping process.
Known project components and identification of potential impacts to be studied in the EA will be collected at this early phase of the EA development. All identified stakeholders will be afforded a reasonable opportunity to identify in writing any support, issues, or concerns they believe should be addressed during the EA process for this proposed project.
This project will upgrade the existing chillers, cooling towers, chiller controls, and piping automation, allowing the chillers to run simultaneously or individually. Additionally, the completed and upgraded system will need to provide operational redundancy needed for T2 buildings. The project total cost is anticipated to be $14.5 million and will start construction in April 2025, reaching substantial completion by August 2027.
Impacts that are identified during this process will be incorporated into a draft EA report which will be made available to the public for a minimum of 15 days as a review period and will be circulated to appropriate federal, state, and local agencies. Comments and inquiries of the draft EA document and a recommendation on the findings of the EA will be developed for release as either the project does not significantly affect the quality of the human environment or as a Major and Significant Action thereby requiring the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). If you are interested in this project or have any information relevant to it, we welcome your comments, suggestions, or other input by March 3, 2025, to be considered in the draft EA. Comments received after that date will be considered in preparation of the final EA. The Draft EA is anticipated to be released in March 2025. A comment form is available for download below. Send your comments to Aden Clark at [email protected].
If no comments are received from you or your agency, we will assume there are no project issues that negatively impact you. You will have additional opportunities to provide comments during the upcoming public comment period and public meeting. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this process, please contact Aden Clark at (608) 422-9083.